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Additional Forms

This section has additional forms that may be referenced/linked in multiple RFPs. Please refer to the specific RFP for details.

  1. Section 3 Clause for IFQ

  2. HUD Form 5369, Instructions to Bidders for Contracts, Public and Indian Housing Programs

  3. HUD Form 5369-A, Representations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Bidders, Public and Indian Housing Programs

  4. HUD Form 5369-B (8/93) Instructions to Offerors Non-Construction

  5. HUD Form 5369-C (8/93) Certifications and Representations of Offerors Non-Construction Contract

  6. HUD Form 4010, Federal Labor Standards Provisions

  7. Davis Bacon Wage Rate - Decision FL20200184 - 01/03/2020

  8. HUD Form 51915, Model Form of Agreement Between Owner and Design Professional

  9. Supplemental Conditions, HUD Form 51915-A

  10. Standard Form 330 (3/2013), Architect-Engineer Qualifications

  11. Supplemental Instruction to Proposers & Contractors (SIPC) 

  12. HUD Form 5370, General Conditions for Construction Contracts, Public Housing Programs

  13. HUD Form 5370-C (01/2014) General Conditions for Non-Construction Contracts - Section 1 - With or without Maintenance Work

  14. Non-Construction Contractor's Certification of Record of Previous Participation in Federal, State or Local Government Funded Contract

  15. Construction Contractor's Certification of Record of Previous Participation in Federal, State or Local Government Funded Contract

  16. Certification of Authorization to Execute Contract

  17. Non-Collusive Affidavit of Contractor/Subcontractor

  18. Conflicts of Interest

  19. Sworn Statement Pursuant to Section 287.133(3)(a), Florida Statutes, on Public Entity Crime

  20. Diversity Statement

  21. MBE/WBE/SBE Certificate (provided by proposer, if applicable)

  22. MBE/WBE/SBE Utilization Summary

  23. Section 3 Contracting Forms

  24. Section 3 Contracting Policy & Procedure

  25. General Construction Notes & Special Conditions

  26. Sample Contract

  27. Sample Contract - Clearview Park Roof Replacements

  28. Fee Proposal Form

  29. Proposer Info Sheet

  30. Statement of Bidder's Qualification Form

  31. Bid Form/SOV

  32. Section 3 Self-Certification Form

  33. Cost Proposal Form

  34. Cost Proposal Form - Clearview Park Roof Replacement

  35. HUD Form 2992 Certification Regarding Debarment and Suspension

  36. E-Verify Contractor Affidavit

  37. HUD Form 5370-C1, General Conditions for Non-Construction

  38. PBV Application