Housing Choice Voucher Department
Updated: September 4, 2024
Larry Gonzalez
Vice President of HCV
Email: lgonzalez@stpeteha.org
Vanessa Manning
HCV Clerical Support
Phone: 727-323-7427
Email: vmanning@stpeteha.org
Lavonna Heller
Lead Housing Specialist for VASH
Phone: 727-323-7433
Email: lheller@stpeteha.org
Book an Appointment with Lavonna. >
Donna Larry
Lead Housing Specialist for Jordan Park
Phone: 727-323-7431
Email: dlarry@stpeteha.org
Book an Appointment with Donna. >
Joyce Debardeleben
Project-Based Specialist (Philip Benjamin, Bay Point, Pinellas Hope, Boley, Innovare)
Phone: 727-323-7434
Email: jdebardeleben@stpeteha.org
Book an Appointment with Joyce. >
Adige Stephenson
Caseload: A - Charlton, A.
Phone: 727-471-7452
Email: astephenson@stpeteha.org
Book an Appointment with Adige. >
Rashekie Bridges
Caseload: Cheaves, S. - Franklin, R.
Phone: 727-323-7438
Email: rbridges@stpeteha.org
Carmen Jimenez
Caseload: Johnson, Jo. - Mckinnon, Jo.
Phone: 727-323-7426
Email: cjimenez@stpeteha.org
Book an Appointment with Carmen. >
Knicole Herbert
Caseload: Fraser, L. - Johnson, Ja.
Phone: 727-471-6144
Book an Appointment with Knicole. >
Jeanette McLane
Caseload: Mckinnon, V. - Robinson, Va.
Phone: 727-323-7429
Email: jmclane@stpeteha.org
Book an Appointment with Jeanette. >
Felicia McMillian
Caseload: Robinson, Ve. - Wade B.
Phone: 727-323-7430
Email: fmcmillian@stpeteha.org
Book an Appointment with Felicia. >
Cindy Ramtahal
Caseload: Wade, C. - Z (HCV) Mainstream, Stability & FYI Vouchers
Phone: 727-471-6293
Email: cramtahal@stpeteha.org
Book an Appointment with Cindy. >
Inspections Department
Landmark Annual, Special, Initial Inspections & Abatements
Phone: 727-386-7730
Email: denise@landmarkinspect.com
Rita Browe
HCV Inspections Generalist & Landlord Liaison
Phone: 727-471-7435
Email: rbrowe@stpeteha.org