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06/27/19 SPHA Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the St. Petersburg Housing Authority
June 27, 2019

Commissioner Lipsey Scott, called the meeting to order at 10:01 am. Upon roll call, the following were in attendance:

Present at Roll:

  • Commissioner James Dates
  • Commissioner Jerrilyn Evans
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens

Absent at Roll:

  • Commissioner Sharlene Gambrell-Davis

Staff Present:

  • LaShunda Battle, Acting Chief Operating Officer
  • Robin Adams, Asset Management Officer
  • Larry Butler, Social Services Officer
  • Danielle Carevic, Executive Office Manager
  • Audria Davis, Compliance Officer
  • Larry Gonzalez, Housing Choice Voucher Officer
  • Pamela Hobbs, Procurement Officer
  • Andrea Joyal, Accountant
  • Dennis Lohr, Chief Financial Officer
  • Jacquelyn Roberson, Human Resources Officer                    

Others Present:

  • Ellis Wilson - Henri, Regional Public Housing Director          
  • Attorney Charley Harris, Trenam Kemker
  • Brian Evjen, Norstar Development USA, LP

Swearing-in Ceremony

Commissioner Lipsey Scott swore in James Dates as a Commissioners of the St. Petersburg Housing Authority.

The nomination of a Chairperson

Commissioner Evans made a motion to nominate Commissioner Owens as Chair of The St. Petersburg Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Dates second the motion. A vote was called:


  • Commissioner James Dates Yes
  • Commissioner Jerrilyn Evans Yes
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott Yes
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens Yes

The Board approved Commissioner Owens as the Chair.

Commissioner Owens accepted the nomination. She expressed she was honored for the opportunity and stated that her primary goal was to help guide the Authority towards being accurate, efficient and transparent, and to move forward expeditiously.

The nomination of a Vice-Chairperson

Commissioner Lipsey Scott made a motion to nominate Commissioner Evans as the Vice-Chair of The St. Petersburg Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Dates second the motion. A vote was called:


  • Commissioner James Dates Yes
  • Commissioner Jerrilyn Evans Yes
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott Yes
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens Yes

The Board approved the motion.

Commissioner Evans accepted the nomination, expressing her desire to get the SPHA back to the primary business of the Authority.

Approval of the Amended Agenda

Commissioner Evans made a motion to approve the amended agenda, with the removal of the Chairpersons Report, Resident Committee, and move all voting items to the top and non-voting items to the bottom of the agenda. Commissioner Lipsey Scott seconded the motion. A vote was called:        

  • Commissioner James Dates Yes
  • Commissioner Jerrilyn Evans Yes
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott Yes
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens Yes             

The Board approved the motion.

Legal Report

There was an extensive discussion by Board members and Attorney Charley Harris regarding the CEO's contract.

Update on SPHA v. Kriseman, Discussing Litigation Strategy

This portion of the meeting was a closed session. The meeting reconvened at 10:45 a.m.

Dismissal of SPHA v. Kriseman Lawsuit

Commissioner Evans made a motion that Johnson and Cassidy Law Firm dismiss the SPHA v. Kriseman Lawsuit. Commissioner Lipsey Scott seconded the motion. A vote was called:

  • Commissioner James Dates Yes
  • Commissioner Jerrilyn Evans Yes
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott Yes
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens Yes

The Board approved the motion.

Ellis Wilson-Henri, Regional Public Housing Director for HUD's Southeast Network, was in attendance to offer his support to all the new Commissioners and SPHA Staff. Director Henri confirmed that he put in a request for his team to do a review of the SPHA's business practices. He expressed that the primary goal was to enhance the operating practices and procedures of the Authority.

Approval of Minutes of April 25, 2019, Regular Board Meeting

BOARD ACTION: Commissioner Lipsey Scott made a motion to approve April 25, 2019, Regular Board Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. A vote was called:           

  • Commissioner James Dates Present
  • Commissioner Jerrilyn Evans Yes
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott Yes
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens Yes   

The Board approved the motion.

Approval of Minutes of the May 7, 2019, Special Board Meeting

BOARD ACTION:    Commissioner Owens made a motion to approve the May 7, 2019, Special Board Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Lipsey Scott seconded the motion. A vote was called:       

  • Commissioner James Dates Present
  • Commissioner Jerrilyn Evans Present
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott Yes
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens Yes

The Board did not approve the motion.

Approval of Minutes of the June 17, 2019, Special Call Meeting.

Commissioner Evans made a motion to approve June 17, 2019,

Special Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Lipsey seconded the motion. A vote was called:   

  • Commissioner James Dates Yes
  • Commissioner Jerrilyn Evans Yes
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott Yes
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens Yes   

The Board approved the motion.

Public Forum- No Public Forum

Financial Reports

Dennis Lohr, Chief Financial Officer presented the May 2019 financial reports and Capital Fund Program Grant review.

There was an extensive discussion by Board members, Dennis Lohr and Attorney Charley Harris.

Elimination of reimbursements to any CEO without full Board approval.

Commissioner Evans made a motion to eliminate any reimbursements to any CEO without full Broad approval. Commissioner Dates seconded the motion. A vote was called:

  • Commissioner James Dates Yes
  • Commissioner Jerrilyn Evans Yes
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott Yes
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens Yes

The Board approved the motion.

SPHA 2018 Audit

Commissioner Lipsey Scott made a motion to file the SPHA 2018 Audit. Commissioner Dates seconded the motion. A vote was called:

  • Commissioner James Dates Yes
  • Commissioner Jerrilyn Evans Yes
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott Yes
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens Yes

The Board approved the motion.

Resolution #2528 - A resolution to Increase the Contract Amount for Architectural and Engineering Services.

Presented by Pamela Hobbs, Procurement Officer. There was an extensive discussion by Board members, Brian Evjen, Pamela Hobbs, and Dennis Lohr.

Commissioner Lipsey Scott made a motion to postpone Resolution #2528. Commissioners Evans seconded the motion. A vote was called:

  • Commissioner James Dates Yes
  • Commissioner Jerrilyn Evans Yes
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott Yes
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens Yes   

The Board approved postponing Resolution #2528.

Resolution #2529 - Approval of Bond, Real Estate & Tax Credit Counsel Contract with Squire Patton Boggs. Presented by Pamela Hobbs, Procurement Officer.

Commissioner Evans made a motion to approve Resolution #2529. Commissioners Lipsey Scott seconded the motion. A vote was called:

  • Commissioner James Dates Yes
  • Commissioner Jerrilyn Evans Yes
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott Yes
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens Yes   

The Board approved Resolution #2529.

Resolution #2530 - Approval of General Counsel Legal Services Contract Amount Increase of $125,000.00 to meet outstanding bills and anticipate the cost. Presented by Pamela Hobbs, Procurement Officer.  

Commissioner Lipsey Scott made a motion to postpone Resolution #2530. Commissioners Dates seconded the motion. There was an extensive discussion between Board members. A vote was called:

  • Commissioner James Dates Yes
  • Commissioner Jerrilyn Evans Yes
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott Yes
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens Yes   

The Board did not approve Resolution #2530.

Chief Executive Officer's Remarks - Jordan Park Development Report.

Dennis Lohr, Chief Financial Officer sitting in for CEO, Tony L. Love did not have any remarks.

There was an extensive discussion by Board members and Brian Evjen with Norstar Development USA, LP.

Old Business

Update on the Personnel Policy/Grievance regarding the CEO. 

There was an extensive discussion by Board members, Jacquelyn Roberson, Human Resource Officer and LaShunda Battle, Acting Chief Operating Officer.

New Business - There was no new business.  

Report from the Residents' Interests Committee: Property Management Report

Robin Adams, Asset Management Officer, shared concerns staff has regarding the new procedures outlined in the Rent Collection Policy

There was an extensive discussion by Board members and Ms. Robins.

Tenant Activity Report

Larry Gonzalez, HCV Officer presented the Tenant Activity Report for the Month of May 2019.

Social Services Report

Larry Butler, Social Services Officer presented his report and outline the current activities for the residents. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.

Approved and Adopted this 21st day of November 2019. 

Stephanie A. Owens, Chairperson
Dennis Lohr, Chief Financial Officer