The PHA Annual Plan is defined as a guide for the Housing Authority policies, programs, operations, and strategies to address local housing needs and goals for each year.
The Resident Advisory Board (RAB) provides the St. Petersburg Housing Authority and its residents with a forum for sharing information about the SPHA Annual Plan. Section 511 of the United States Housing Act and the regulations in 24 CFR part 903 require that Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) establish one or more Resident Advisory Board (RAB) as part of the PHA Plan process. RAB membership is comprised of individuals who reflect and represent the residents assisted by the PHA.
The role of the Resident Advisory Board (RAB) is to make recommendations and assist the St. Petersburg Housing Authority (SPHA) in the development of the SPHA Annual Plan and any significant amendments or modifications to the plan that may be proposed during the year.
The St. Petersburg Housing Authority's (MHA's) Resident Advisory Board (RAB) gives public housing residents and Section 8 tenants an opportunity to participate in guiding MHA's programs and policies. RAB members:
Read and comment on changes to SPHA policies
Review and comment on annual budgets, annual plans, five-year plans, etc.
Make other recommendations to the MHA Board of Commissioners as necessary