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09/18/19 Personnel Meeting Minutes

Meeting of the Personnel Committee of the Board of Commissioners of the St. Petersburg Housing Authority September 18, 2019

Commissioner Dates called the meeting to order at 10:46 am. Upon roll call, the following were in attendance:

Commissioner James Dates, Chair
Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott
Commissioner Stephanie Owens

Commissioner Jerri Evans

Staff Present:          
LaShunda Battle, Interim CEO
Robin Adams, Asset Management Officer
Danielle Carevic, Executive Office Manager
Audria Davis, Compliance Officer
Larry Gonzalez, Housing Choice Voucher Officer
Pamela Hobbs, Procurement Officer
Andrea Joyal, Accountant
Dennis Lohr, Chief Financial Officer
Jackie Roberson, Human Resource Officer

Others Present:     
Attorney, Ricard Gilmore, Saxon & Gilmore Law

Approval of the Agenda

Commissioner Owens made a motion to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Lipsey Scott seconded the motion. A vote was called:

  • Commissioner James Dates, Chair, YES               
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott, YES               
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens, YES

The Board approved the motion.

Operating the Meeting under small Board rules

Commissioner Owens made a motion that the meeting operate under small Board rules. Commissioner Dates seconded the motion. A vote was called:

  • Commissioner James Dates, YES
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott, YES
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens, YES

The Board approved the motion.

Approval of Minutes of the July 30, 2019, Personnel Committee

Commissioner Lipsey Scott made a motion to approve the July 30, 2019, Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes. A vote was called:

Commissioner James Dates, YES
Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott, YES
Commissioner Stephanie Owens, YES

The Board approved the motion.

Postpone Agenda item #5 - Hostile Work Place Policy

Commissioner Dates made a motion to postpone the Hostile Work Place Policy. A vote was called:

  • Commissioner James Dates, YES
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott, YES
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens, YES

The Board approved the motion.

Approval of the Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, Anti-Discrimination Policy to be included into the current Personnel Policy

Commissioner Dates made a motion to approve the draft policies to go forward to the Board for approval.

Commissioner Owens Amended the motion and requested the draft policies be reviewed by HUD for appropriate edits and guidelines prior to the full Boards approval. A vote was called:

  • Commissioner James Dates, YES
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott, YES
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens, YES

The Board approved the motion.

Approval of the Whistle Blower Policy  

Commissioner Dates requested Pamela Hobbs, Procurement Officer look into the cost of an 800 number for staff to report their concerns anonymously.

Commissioner Dates made a motion to pass the Whistle Blower Policy to the full Board for approval. A vote was called: 

  • Commissioner James Dates, YES
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott, YES
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens, YES

The Board approved the motion.

Postpone Agenda item # 7 - Grievance Policy

Commissioner Lipsey Scott made a motion that a Legal opinion is giving on the Grievance Policy before going to the full Board. A vote was called:

  • Commissioner James Dates, YES
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott, YES
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens, YES

The Board approved the motion.

Old Business - There was no old Business

New Business

There was an extensive discussion regarding the Interlocal agreement with the Tampa Housing Authority.

There was extensive discussion regarding Jones Development, Cindy Herrera, and Elle Resources contracts.

Approval of the increased NTE Interlocal Agreement

Commissioner Owens made a motion for the Personnel Committee to accept the increase NTE amount of $70,000.00 for the Interlocal Agreement contract with the Tampa Housing Authority.  A vote was called:

  • Commissioner James Dates, YES
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott, YES
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens, YES

The Board approved the motion.

Elle Resources

Commissioner Owens made a motion that the Interim CEO determine how to protect SPHA by the elimination of any payroll funds that are inappropriately distributed to Elle Resources. A vote was called: 

  • Commissioner James Dates, YES
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott, YES
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens, YES

The Board approved the motion.

Jones Development

Commissioner Owens made a motion that the Interim CEO investigate how we eliminate paying additional payroll funds under the Jones Development Contract based off the HUD findings. A vote was called:

  • Commissioner James Dates, YES
  • Commissioner Terri Lipsey Scott, YES
  • Commissioner Stephanie Owens, YES

The Board approved the motion.

Commissioner Owens requested that the Interim CEO LaShunda Battle direct HR to no longer accept any verbal request for employment or payroll payments. All such requests for employment or payroll payments must include the appropriate backup documentation.

Commissioner Owens made a second request that the Chief Financial Officer provide back up as to why he is corroborating that the Communication Officer position was approved and a duly hired position.

Commissioner Owens third request was that no one in the Authority continue to operate from any oral agreements or assignments that the previous CEO Tony L. Love gave that may be in violation of HUD Policies and Procedures. It was also request by Commissioner Owens that all other known actions in violation of HUD Policies and Procedures be stopped immediately.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:12 pm.

Approved and Adopted this 21st day of November 2019.

James Date, Chair
LaShunda Battle, Acting Chief Operating Officer