12/06/19 RISE Special Call Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Special Call Meeting of the Board of Directors of RISE Development Corporation
December 6, 2019
Director LaSister called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Upon roll call, the following were in attendance:
Present at Roll:
- Director C. Knox LaSister III Director James Dates
- Director Terri Lipsey Scott
- Director Stephanie Owens
Absent at Roll:
- Director Jerrilyn Evans
- Director Sharlene Gambrell-Davis
Staff Present:
- LaShunda Battle, Interim Chief Executive Officer
- Robin Adams, Asset Management Officer
- Larry Butler, Social Services Officer
- Danielle Carevic, Executive Office Manager
- Larry Gonzalez, Housing Choice Voucher Officer
- Pamela Hobbs, Procurement Officer
- Andrea Joyal, Accountant
- Dennis Lohr, Chief Financial Officer
- Jacquelyn Roberson, Human Resource
Others Present:
- Marianne Edmonds, Public Resources Advisory Group
- Brian Evjen, Norstar Development USA, LP
- Cindi Herrera, CH&A LLC (Via Skype)
SUBJECT: Public Forum - No Public Forum
SUBJECT: Resolution #31 - A Resolution to Approve the Operating Budget for Jordan Park Apartments for Fiscal Year Ending December 31,2020
BOARD ACTION: Director LaSister made a motion to approve Resolution #31. Director Owens seconded the motion. There was extensive discussion between Board members, Dennis Lohr, Chief Financial Officer and LaShunda Battle, Interim Chief Executive Officer. A vote was called:
- Director LaSister: YES
- Director Dates: YES
- Director Lipsey Scott: YES
- Director Owens: YES
The Board approved Resolution #31.
SUBJECT: Pre-development Report
Jordan Park Apartments Pre-development report. There was an extensive discussion between Board members, SPHA staff, Brian Evjen, Marianne Edmonds and Cindi Herrera.
SUBJECT: The approach of the redevelopment of Jordan Park
BOARD ACTION: Director LaSister made a motion to endorse the further exploration of a new approach for Jordan Park Apartments redevelopment. Director Dates seconded the motion. A vote was called:
- Director LaSister: YES
- Director Dates: YES
- Director Lipsey Scott: YES
- Director Owens: YES
The Board approved the motion.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
Approved and Adopted this 23rd day of January 2020.
C. Knox LaSister III, Chairperson
LaShunda Battle, Interim Chief Executive Officer