1/23/20 RISE Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of RISE Development Corporation
January 23, 2020
Director LaSister called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m. Upon roll call, the following were in attendance:
Present at Roll:
- Director C. Knox LaSister III
- Director James Dates
- Director Jerrilyn Evans
- Director Sharlene Gambrell-Davis
- Director Stephanie Owens
Absent at Roll:
- Director Terri Lipsey Scott
Staff Present:
- LaShunda Battle, Interim Chief Executive Officer
- Robin Adams, Asset Management Officer
- Larry Butler, Social Services Officer
- Danielle Carevic, Executive Office Manager
- Audria Davis, Compliance Officer
- Pamela Hobbs, Procurement Officer
- Andrea Joyal, Accountant
- Dennis Lohr, Chief Financial Officer
- Jacquelyn Roberson, Human Resources Officer
Others Present:
- Attorney Charley Harris, Trenam Law
- Jasmine Osmonol, Court Reporter
SUBJECT: Operating the Meeting under small Board rules
BOARD ACTION: Director Evans made a motion that the meeting operate under small Board rules. Director Owens seconded the motion. A vote was called:
- Director C. Knox LaSister III YES
- Director James Dates YES
- Director Jerrilyn Evans YES
- Director Sharlene Gambrell-Davis YES
- Director Stephanie Owens YES
The Board approved the motion.
SUBJECT: Approval of the Amended Agenda
BOARD ACTION: Director LaSister requested an approval of the Agenda with item #7 Proposed Financing being removed from the Agenda. Director Evans made a motion to approve the Amended Agenda. A vote was called:
- Director C. Knox LaSister III YES
- Director James Dates YES
- Director Jerrilyn Evans YES
- Director Sharlene Gambrell-Davis YES
- Director Stephanie Owens YES
The Board approved the motion.
SUBJECT: Public Forum - No Public Forum
SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes of the November 21, 2019 RISE Development Corporation Meeting
BOARD ACTION: Director LaSister made a motion to approve the November 21, 2019 RISE Development Corporation Meeting Minutes. A vote was called:
- Director C. Knox LaSister III YES
- Director James Dates YES
- Director Jerrilyn Evans PRESENT
- Director Sharlene Gambrell-Davis YES
- Director Stephanie Owens YES
The Board approved the motion.
SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes of the December 6, 2019, RISE Development Special Call Meeting
BOARD ACTION: Director LaSister made a motion to approve the December 6, 2019 RISE Development Special Meeting Minutes. A vote was called:
- Director C. Knox LaSister III YES
- Director James Dates YES
- Director Jerrilyn Evans PRESENT
- Director Sharlene Gambrell-Davis PRESENT
- Director Stephanie Owens YES
The Board approved the motion.
SUBJECT: Dennis Lohr, Chief Financial Officer presented RISE Development Corporation December 31, 2019, Preliminary Financial Report.
SUBJECT: Resolution #32 - Write Off of Vacated Public Housing Tenant Accounts
BOARD ACTION:Director Evans made a motion to approve Resolution #32. A vote was called:
- Director C. Knox LaSister III YES
- Director James Dates YES
- Director Jerrilyn Evans YES
- Director Sharlene Gambrell-Davis YES
- Director Stephanie Owens YES
The Board approved Resolution #32.
SUBJECT: Resolution #33 - Authorization to Pay Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) to the City of St. Petersburg for Jordan Park Apartments (AMP3) for the 2017 and 2018 Fiscal Years.
BOARD ACTION: Director Evans made a motion to approve Resolution #33. A vote was called:
- Director C. Knox LaSister III YES
- Director James Dates YES
- Director Jerrilyn Evans YES
- Director Sharlene Gambrell-Davis YES
- Director Stephanie Owens YES
The Board approved Resolution #33.
Ms. LaShunda Battle, Interim Chief Executive Officer explained that SPHA will request the return of the PILOT payment from the City of St. Petersburg. Director LaSister requested that a letter which identifies the repairs needed at Jordan Park goes with the request to the City. Director LaSister believes this will be helpful in the City's decision.
SUBJECT: Environmental Review Update
There was discussion by Board Directors and Ms. LaShunda Battle, Interim Chief Executive Officer. Ms. Battle confirmed for Directors that the environmental review is on track.
SUBJECT: 501(c)(3) Status
There was an extensive discussion by Board Directors and Ms. LaShunda Battle, Interim Chief Executive Officer regarding the nonprofit status of RISE.
Director Owens asked if the 501(c)(3) status will be retroactive to the dated expired.
Director Evans asked for a written report/explanation from Squire Patton Boggs explaining the denial letter/notice from the IRS, the number of returns and the fiscal years covered by the 990 forms submitted. Lastly Director Evans also asked for clarification that SPHA has the funds to pay all fees.
SUBJECT: Election of Officers
BOARD ACTION: Director Evans made a motion to remove Jerome D. Ryans as the President and CEO of RISE Development Corporation.
Director Evans made a second motion to appoint Ms. LaShunda Battle as the President and CEO of RISE Development Corporation. A vote was called:
- Director C. Knox LaSister III YES
- Director James Dates YES
- Director Jerrilyn Evans PRESENT
- Director Sharlene Gambrell-Davis PRESENT
- Director Stephanie Owens YES
The Board approved the motion.
SUBJECT: Old Business - No old Business
SUBJECT: New Business
RISE Development Corporation Meetings will now be held at 9:00 a.m.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:02 a.m.
Approved and Adopted this 27th day of February 2020.
C. Knox LaSister III, Chairperson
LaShunda Battle, President