VIDEO CLIP: SPHA Hosts CPR Demonstration for Jordan Park Youth
ST. PETERSBURG, FL - The St. Petersburg Housing Authority (SPHA) had a fantastic time hosting special guest Courtney Burt from the American Heart Association at the Jordan Park After School Program on February 22, 2024. Courtney educated the youth about cardiac arrest and heart attacks, and conducted a Hands-Only CPR demonstration. The kids took turns practicing on the dummy while jamming to "Staying Alive." They did an excellent job!
Did you know that studies have shown Hands-Only CPR is as effective as conventional CPR with breaths in the first few minutes of a cardiac arrest? Learn the 2 Steps to Save a Life: https://cpr.heart.org/en/cpr-courses-and-kits/hands-only-cpr
About The St. Petersburg Housing Authority (SPHA):
An independent quasi-governmental entity and a political subdivision of the State of Florida, operating under Chapter 421 Florida Statutes, SPHA is the local administrative agency for housing assistance programs funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). SPHA offers a variety of programs and services that provide affordable rental housing to low-income families, seniors, veterans, and the disabled in the greater St. Petersburg region. For more information, visit www.stpeteha.org.