Join Our Resident Advisory Board!
SPHA is looking for Housing Choice Voucher Participants and Public Housing Residents to serve on the Resident
Advisory Board.
We WANT to hear from YOU!
Interested residents should send an email or call (727) 323-3171 ext. 219.
Responses needed by August 18, 2021
What is the Resident Advisory Board (RAB)?
The RAB consists of up to 15 individuals who receive housing assistance from SPHA. The RAB is an committee that advises SPHA on policies and procedures that impact SPHA residents and HCV participants.
RAB members will also be eligible for training on how to be resident leaders!
What does the RAB do?
RAB makes recommendations on the development of and changes to SPHA's Five Year and Annual Plans. These plans detail Agency policies, operations and programs and outline our methods to meet local housing needs.
How does RAB make a difference?
As a RAB member, your voice will help SPHA make decisions and changes that impact your family and community.
SPHA gives RAB recommendations serious consideration and will implement appropriate revisions.*
*Please note SPHA is not required to agree with RAB suggestions. After the Five Year and Annual Plans are submitted, SPHA will address why or why not specific RAB
recommendations were taken into consideration.
Who is Eligible to Serve?
RAB members must be:
- A resident of one of SPHA Public Housing communities OR
- A participant in SPHA's Housing Choice Voucher Program.
SPHA's Responsibilities to RAB
SPHA will:
- Provide reasonable time for the RAB to review and make recommendations.
- Provide notice of meetings scheduled to discuss the Annual and Five Year Plans
- Provide access to communication tools and other reasonable means to carry out RAB duties.
How is RAB Funded?
RAB is operated through independent funding. Potential sources of funding include:
- Agency operating funds
- Agency modernization funds
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development grants
All prospective members will be screened to ensure lease and/or HCV Program compliance.
Selected applicants will be notified via mail, email or phone.
*Meetings are held regularly at a frequency determined by the RAB
(monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly)